[*] "Black Hearted Awakening" Card data

(Tyrant the Sun / Gilensa)
LV:06 LP:01 HP:80 AT:50 DF:00 AGI:01 RNG:01
真の欲望 (Close Skill : SP1)
This skill only works when your Lawtia is 2 or more.
Remove one [Tyrant the Sun / Gilensa] card from your file.
If you did, recover this unit's HP [Perfectly].

暴神の斧 (Action Skill : SP1)
This skill only works when your Refess is 1 or more.
Your [Refess] Lv will become 1 less.
Randomly choose one opponent unit from the RNG of this unit,
and deal [Damage : AT + (5 * your Refess Lv)].

斜陽光 (Soul Skill : SP0)
Choose one [Non-Actioned] opponent unit.
Deal [Damage : (15 * your Refess Lv)].
If you made it, then choose another [Non-Actioned] opponent unit,
and deal [Damage : (15 * your Lawtia Lv)].

(Rifees Knight -EX-)
LV:03 LP:01 HP:45 AT:25 DF:00 AGI:04 RNG:01
チャージ (Action Skill : SP2)
Randomly choose one opponent unit from the RNG of this unit.
Deal [Damage : AT * 2] to that unit.
This unit will also become [Damage : 50% of this unit's MAX HP].

信仰の鉄槌 (Soul Skill : SP0)
Choose one unit.
Deal [Damage : (20 * your Refess Lv)] to that unit.

(Devil of Mask / Folfenac)
LV:03 LP:01 HP:30 AT:20 DF:00 AGI:03 RNG:03
嘆きの仮面 (Action Skill : SP1)
This unit will become [AT=X]/[MAX HP=Y].
Where X and Y are [Recorded] by this unit's open skill.
Randomly choose one opponent unit from the RNG of this unit,
and deal [Damage : AT] to that unit.
Reduce the number [Recorded] to 0.

忍び寄る嘆き (Open Skill : SP1)
Choose one unit which is [Lv4 or under]/[Non-Lawtia unit].
The unit you chose will become [HP = 0].
If you chosen a unit, then [Record] it's [AT]/[MAX HP].

黒い涙 (Soul Skill : SP0)
Choose one unit which is [Non-Actioned]/[AT = 0].
Return to it's owner's file.

(Night Wing Wyvern -EX-)
LV:04 LP:01 HP:50 AT:40 DF:00 AGI:03 RNG:02
ダークフォッグ (Auto Skill : SP0)
This skill only works on [Night].
Deal [HP - 10] to all opponent units.

夜の牙 (Soul Skill : SP0)
Choose one unit.
Deal [Damage : (20 * your Lawtia Lv)].

(Mystery Man / Beltia)
LV:03 LP:01 HP:60 AT:30 DF:00 AGI:03 RNG:01
暴 (Close Skill : SP1)
This skill only works when your [Gowen] Lv is 2 or over.
Your [Gowen] Lv will become 2 less.
Recover this unit's HP [Perfectly],
and deal [Damage : 30] to one unit
which is randomly chosen from all units except this.

怒 (Open Skill : SP0)
Randomly choose one unit.
Deal [Damage : 30] to that unit.

衝動 (Soul Skill : SP0)
Choose two [Non-Actioned] opponent unit randomly.
Deal [Damage : (5 * your SP)] and change them [Actioned].

(Amazones -EX-)
LV:05 LP:01 HP:60 AT:40 DF:00 AGI:04 RNG:02
ジャベリンスロー (Action Skill : SP2)
Choose one opponent unit from the RNG of this unit.
Deal [Damage : AT] to the [Vertical] line that unit exsists.

呪殺【大空】 (Soul Skill : SP0)
Choose randomly 3 [Falcow] cards from opponent's file.
Put it to it's [Graveyard].

(Glory Sword / Fovontsa)
LV:01 LP:01 HP:20 AT:30 DF:00 AGI:02 RNG:02
聖剣の一閃 (Action Skill : SP1)
Randomly choose one opponent unit from the [RNG] of this unit.
Deal [Damage : 30] to the [Cross] line that unit exsists.

意思を持つ剣 (Special Skill)
This unit cannot [Rest] or make a player attack.

聖と邪の区別 (Close Skill : SP0)
Choose one unit from your opponent.
The unit you chose will become [AT + 30]/[MAXHP + 30],
and recover it's HP [Perfectly].

聖剣の輝き (Soul Skill : SP0)
Choose one [Magic Knight] unit from your group.
The unit you chosen will become [AT + 20]/[MAXHP + 20],
and recover it's HP [Perfectly].
If you made it, choose one opponent unit randomly,
and deal [Damage : 30] to the [Cross] line that unit exsists.

(Sorcerer Magic Soldier -EX-)
LV:03 LP:01 HP:30 AT:30 DF:00 AGI:04 RNG:02
マジックソード (Action Skill : SP1)
Choose one opponent unit randomly from the RNG of this unit.
Deal [Damage : (10 * your Falcow Lv)].

魔法剣一閃 (Soul Skill : SP0)
Choose one unit.
Deal [Damage : (20 * your Falcow Lv)].

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